Burn-out syndrome in Rheumatology

By : Global Rheumatology by PANLAR
01 April, 2021
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Burn-out syndrome is understood as a state of lack of motivation, intense exhaustion, irritability, loss of energy that develops in response to stressors that occur in the workplace. This situation can trigger physical and mental health problems and of course impact the well-being and performance of those who suffer from it. In fact, the World Health Organization included it in the 11th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) as an occupational phenomenon and with a more detailed definition.

Thanks to the fact that for several years it has taken particular interest to study this phenomenon in health personnel and more recently in rheumatologists, in a Café por la Reumatologìa we want to know aspects of burn-out and the practice of rheumatology in the region and, therefore of course, with the pandemic.

In this episode with Diego Jaimes and Carlo Vinicio Caballero, Editor-in-chief of Global Rheumatology (GRP), will be Alberto Palacios Boix, Mexican rheumatologist internist, director and professor of the department of immunology at Hospital Ángeles del Pedregal, and author of several books. Also participating is Carlos Ríos, an Ecuadorian rheumatologist, former president of the Ecuadorian Society of Rheumatology and a pioneer researcher on the practice of rheumatology in the continent.

Podcast in Spanish 

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